5 items; catalog, twine binders, reaping machines, mowing machines (21 p.) 1884; bound photocopy; illustrated annual catalogue of Brantford machines for mowing, reaping and binding (32 p.) 1888, bound photocopy; harvesting machinery, mowers, reapers and self binding harvester (19 p.) 1880, bound photocopy; Brantford steel binders, mowing machines and reaping machines (31 p.) 1889; front and back covers of Brantford steel binders, mowing machines and reaping machines catalog, n.d.
2 items; extra list for the no. 2 Brantford light-steel binder with no. 2 knotter, new Brantford knotter, steel sheaf carrier (31 p.) 1890, bound photocopy; "Facts for Farmers" booklet (un-nmbered pages) 1891, handwritten notes throughout
5 items; article on Alanson Harris (1 p.) from Men of Canada, n.d., with handwritten notes front and back and attached photocopies of family photos (3 sheets); various pages from "The Agricultural Implement Industry in Canada" ( pp. 43, 4545, 51-55, 60, 88-89) n.d., photocopy; typed and handwritten notes with sources and references (7 p.) n.d. letter from A. Harris, Son and Co. (2 p.) 1887, photocopy, with attached memo, n.d. photocopied photos, illustrations and advertisements (8 sheets) n.d.,1 from Harvest Triumphant, 1948, by M. Denison