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Archival description
CA F222 · Fonds · 1974-2004

The fonds contains reports, newsletters, financial records, correspondence, Atkins diaries, travel documents, publications, and other materials related to the Developing Countries Farm Radio Network (DCFRN).

Developing Countries Farm Radio Network
George S. Atkins fonds
CA F450 · Fonds · 1868-2005

The George S. Atkins fonds contains personal records, correspondence, speeches, newsletters, magazines and articles, newspaper clippings, and photographs related to the radio broadcasting and farm commentator career of George Stuart Atkins (1917-2009). The fonds also contains materials related the Developing Countries Farm Radio Network/Farm Radio International as well as to Atkins’ research and time at Appleby College and the Ontario Agricultural College, including course notes and assignments, teaching notes for farm short courses, class photographs and memorabilia, etc. Supplementary material concerning the University of Guelph, the Junior Farmers' Association of Ontario, the Royal Winter Fair, International Plowing Matches, and various agricultural magazines, are also included.

Atkins, George Stuart
CA F213 · Fonds · 1929-2006

The collection contains administrative records; correspondence; newsletters; annual, executive, directors, and committee meeting minutes (lacking 1947, 1954, 1956, 1959, 1960, 1982-1984); photographs; lists of delegates and staff; program planning information; articles; agendas; activities; various crests, pins, ribbons, and medallions; and other materials related to the Junior Farmers' Association of Ontario.

Records also include draft manuscripts of the revised handbook written by George Atkins; scripts and related information concerning the CHML (Hamilton) radio programs presented by Junior Farmers (1946-1949); constitution charts, including those used during the explanation of the new constitution by the author, George Atkins, at the annual conference, held in War Memorial Hall at the Ontario Agricultural College in the spring of 1949; scripts, a recording, and other records relating to the film "Farmers of the Future"; project listings for The Junior Farmers' Century Farms of Ontario Counties, 1974-1978; and photographs of the Provincial Leadership Camp, Junior Farmers' trips to Royal Winter Fair in Toronto (1929, 1930-1932), Junior Farmers and Junior Farm Women war effort.

Junior Farmers' Association of Ontario