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Archival description
a-2239 Coptic Cathedral
CA F706-4-2-65-10 · File · 2003
Part of DTAH fonds

General file: coptic orthodox patriarchate holy euchologion second edition (191 pages), photo disc, general history (22 pages), coptic village masterplan (20 pages), correspondence (5 pages), Canadian rules for the conduct of architechtural competitions (

a-2239 Coptic Cathedral
CA F706-4-2-65-11 · File · 2003
Part of DTAH fonds

General admin: correspodence (30 pages), 2 newspaper articles, 2 CDs, 2 plans, St. Mark's coptic museum booklet (48 pages), St. Mark's Coptic Canadian Village master plan phase one open international design competition (18 pages), short list of finalists

a-2239 Coptic Cathedral
CA F706-4-2-65-13 · File · 2003
Part of DTAH fonds

Examples of bldg. areas & professional services advisory: correspondence, budgets, transparanices, etc (295 pages), Surveyor's certificate, elevation plan.