Questions related to registration: correspondence (209 pages)
[Part 1 of 2] Powerpoint presentation for first public meeting (12 pages), Rapid bus powerpoint presentation from the City of Richmond (45 pages), 16 large printed photos, condition documents (5 pages), 3 CDs, Toronto streetscape manual (5 pages).
[Part 2 of 2] Correspondence, drafts, plans, guidelines, etc (203 pages), 3 colour illustrations, cambie northbound stop site plan.
[Part 1 of 2] Contact listing (1 page), urban design sheet (1 page), City of Guelph Downtown Guelph Public Realm Plan (3 pages), transperancies, correspondence (28 pages), printed photos (8 pages), site drawings (15 pages), 2 photo cds, EA comment sheet (
[Part 2 of 2] Study design report (7 pages), correspondence and sketches (26 pages), public realm plan boundaries (2 pages), City of Guelph Request for Proposal (5 pages), correspondence (2 pages), EA comment sheet (5 pages), table of options (6 pages), n
[Part 2 of 3] plans and transparencies (9 pages), draft documents (5 pages), site plan (4 pages), Gibbons Cottage options (4 pages), draft documents and transparencies (5 pages), site plan (9 pages), sketches, plans and transperancies (9 pages).
[Part 1 of 3] Site plan, CD-R "gibbons", site plans and correspondence (16 pages), 18 photographs, u-panel table of contents/product guide (18 pages), 6 large planning documents.
[Part 3 of 3] Email correspondence, site plans, sketches, and contact information (106 pages)
Correspondence: correspondence, emails, faxes, etc (175 pages)
Workshop May 13 2003: Notes and correspondence (21 pages)