Indulgence guide 2003, byward market brochures (2), Sussex area real asset management strategy: urban design framework (92 pages).
Meeting minutes: Minutes, notes, correspondence (63 pages)
Subconsultant Contacts: (7 pages)
Other example brochures: 11 brochures
Working folder (Donna): Correspondence, transparencies, drawings, etc (8 pages), design study plan with heavy corrections and notes on it.
Background reports & studies: [Part 1 of 2] Sussex drive heritage courtyards background history (43 pages), sussex area real asset management strategy urban desgin framework (92 pages), sussex area marketing study- part A (42 pages), Sussex/byward market
Contact Sheets: printed images (49 pages)
July 11 2003 Meeting: Agenda, minutes, recommendations, notes (27 pages)
Translation + subsequent mark-ups: presentation (40 pages), workshop presentation (11 pages), workshop 2 presentation (34 pages), workshop 2 presentation (41 pages)
Working file: [Part 2 of 2] workshop 2 presentation (39 pages), workshop 2 presentation (42 pages), correspondence (33 pages), minutes (8 page), workshop 1 presentation (14 pages), Sussex drive heritage courtyards background history (43 pages), correspond