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A Tribute to jazz violin featuring the Lenny Solomon Trio [sound recording]
A Tribute to jazz violin featuring the Lenny Solomon Trio [sound recording]
A tribute to jazz violin :the Lenny Solomon Trio ; Simon Streatfeild, artistic director, May 4, 1990 - house program.
A tribute to jazz violin :the Lenny Solomon Trio ; Simon Streatfeild, artistic director, May 4, 1990 - house program.
A tribute to Krzysztof Penderecki, May 8, 1976 - house program.
A tribute to Krzysztof Penderecki, May 8, 1976 - house program.
A Tribute to the Spoken Word / by William Hutt and Amelia Hall, May 10, 1969 - house program.
A Tribute to the Spoken Word / by William Hutt and Amelia Hall, May 10, 1969 - house program.
A wine safari :the eigthth annual Guelph wine gala & auction catalogue, Feb. 22, 2003.
A wine safari :the eigthth annual Guelph wine gala & auction catalogue, Feb. 22, 2003.
Acis & Galatea /Georg Frideric Handel ; Larry Beckwith, director ; Daniel Gariepy, choreographer, April 25, 2003 - house program.
Acis & Galatea /Georg Frideric Handel ; Larry Beckwith, director ; Daniel Gariepy, choreographer, April 25, 2003 - house program.
Acis and Galatea / music by George F. Handel ; conducted by Nicholas Goldschmidt, 1975 - performance file.
Acis and Galatea / music by George F. Handel ; conducted by Nicholas Goldschmidt, 1975 - performance file.
Acis and Galatea / music by George Frederick Handel ; technical drawings by Manfred Hurrig, 1975.
Acis and Galatea / music by George Frederick Handel ; technical drawings by Manfred Hurrig, 1975.
Acis and Galatea Apr. 30, May 2, 4, 1975 - house program.
Acis and Galatea Apr. 30, May 2, 4, 1975 - house program.
Ad-Hoc Committee - report prepared to provide suggestions for chairman, standing committees and provide outline of responsibilities of Bd. members, officers plus standing committees, 1981.
Ad-Hoc Committee - report prepared to provide suggestions for chairman, standing committees and provide outline of responsibilities of Bd. members, officers plus standing committees, 1981.