Project 249: 9605-Extensive collection of engineering and architectural drawings, blueprints, sketches, specifications, and correspopndence for the York st. project.
Project 249: 9605-Correspondence affirming consultant inclusion for the York st. project.
Project 249: 9605-Costing breakdown and correspondence to same for the York st. project.
Project 249: 9605-List of, and the detail drawings, of various architectural features for the York st. project.
Project 249: 9605-Extensive collection of engineering and architectural drawings for the York st. project.
Project 249: 9605-Collection of drawings, and construction schedule for the York st. project.
Project 249: 9605-York St. Gateway guarantee review, and drawings in support of those items (i.e.trees, shrubs)for the York st. project.
Project 249: 9605-Meetings notes and correspondence for the York st. project within 1996.
Project 249: 9605-Miscellaneous drawings and technical correspondence for the York st. project.
Project 249: 9605-grading and horizontal alignment drawings for the York st. project.