Tape 1: Act I dated June 2/99. Tape 2: Acts II and III dated June 2/99.
Some of the contact sheets are water damaged.
File 1: sm prompt script. File 2: asm prompt script. File 3: text script, music. File 4: cast list, rehearsal schedule, presets/scene breakdowns, audio/lighting/other cue lists, memos, production/props moves memos. File 5: wardrobe. File 6: props, running notes/times. File 7: front of house reports. File 8: performance reports.
Includes 3 Preview Programmes.
Box #1, File 1: s.m. prompt script. File 2: apprentice s.m. prompt script. File 3: reasearch File 4: cast list, rehearsal schedule, scene breakdowns/timin, presets, stage settings, audio/lighting/cue lists, musis. File 5: memos, production memos, running notes. Box #2, File 6: props. File 7: costumes/wardrobe. File 8: tech breakdown, running times. File 9: performance reports. File 10 Front of house reports.
Shaw Festival presentation at Theatre Calgary and the Olympic Arts Festival, February, 1988.