Another copy in Doc. Centre : CA2ON UG310 W54
Another copy located in Doc. Centre Per : CA2ON UG310 W52
Another copy in Doc. Centre : CA2ON UG 72W67
Time Capsule located in the Archives. TO BE OPENED IN THE YEAR 2025. Finding aid; Several depts. added material gathered from their depts. Ceremony took place on Jan. 19, 2000. For dept. photos put in time capsule see RE1 UOG A182901-A182916 coded individually.
Book describes the details needed to prepare a school Yearbook.
Yearbook of the Ontario Veterinary College (OVC). Missing 1968, 2010-2013, but yearbook definitely not published in 1977. Negative for Katherine Wilkins (1987), located in negative file. Box 1 also includes file of photographs and mock-up pages for 1974 yearbook by page number, and box 1A includes individual photographs for 1974 yearbook organized by page number.
Includes 1974, 1979, 1981-1983, 1985-1986, 1991-1992