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Archival description
William Joseph O'Brien fonds
CA F798 · Fonds

Fonds contains "Send out the army and the navy: the diary of Lieutenant William Joseph O'Brien (#89078) of the Canadian Field Artillery, Canadian Expeditionary Force, March 17, 1915 to May 9, 1919" by W. H. O'Brien, editor. File includes a biography and picture of W. J. O'Brien (Appendix A and B), and an article entitled "Trial by fire: CFA in W.W.I.", which mentions Colonel George Drew, reprinted from the Royal Military College newspaper "The Arch" (Appendix C); handwritten notes by the donor regarding the above addenda

Wood family collection
CA F790 · Fonds · 1986

Collection contains "Days of John Wood" / by William A. Wood. Negatives, typescript, production material, galleys, cover artwork.