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Pulteney Family papers
CA F622 · Fonds · 1628-1874

The Pulteney Family papers contains correspondence addressed to Sir William Johnstone Pulteney (1729-1805) from his two agents George Malcolm and John Maxwell, chiefly concerning management of Sir William's Westerhall Estate in Dumfriesshire, 1762-1784. There are more than 500 letter reports to W. Pulteney whose estates were at Dornock and Solwaybank in Dumfries. Other names included are Langholm, Burnfoot, Broomholm (from which Maxwell usually writes), and Woodside. Also includes correspondence from William Maxwell, George Maxwell, John Fraser, Thomas Laing, and John Scott.

Also includes photocopies of correspondence with Huntington Library (1981-1982, 1984-1987); checklist of Pulteney correspondence on microfilm; 17th and 18th century letters and documents; Maxwell genealogy, letters and papers; Johnstones and Westerhall; Pulteney family chronolgy, and other related data. See also Collection Update May 1983, No. 7 "Estate papers from Dumfriesshire, 1764-1872" by Michael B. Moir for more information.

Pulteney, Sir William Johnstone
Theatre Columbus fonds
CA F583 · Fonds · 1983-2000

The Theatre Columbus fonds contains performance files, scripts, reviews, audio-visual materials, posters, programs, newsletters, press releases, and administrative files.

Theatre Columbus
Theatre Centre fonds
CA F582 · Fonds · 1979-1992

The Theatre Centre fonds contains administrative files, show files, financial information (government grants and fund raising), posters, reviews and articles, press releases, house programs, production photos, and other materials.

Theatre Centre
Charles H. Watson collection
CA F166 · Fonds · 1888-1997

The collection contains notebooks, realia, photographs, newspaper clippings, and other memorabilia relating to Charles H. Watson (OAC '38 and OAC '39). Materials related to the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair, Canadian National Exhibition, Meat Packers Council of Canada, Agricultural Institute of Canada, Ontario Institute of Agrologists, Junior Farmers' Association of Ontario, and the Canadian Society of Animal Science; references to Frank Archibald, Ronald Bagg, Bruce Beer, Donald Fletcher, William Knox, Daniel Laverty, Dean Parrott, George Raithby, L.T. Sonley, Michael Stillwell, and William Sutherland; and various publications, including Varsity news, Varsity graduate, Junior Farmer news, Royal newsletter, Junior Farmer and 4-H quarterly, Ontario Institute of Agrologists newsletter, CSAS newsletter, Farm Forum guide, 50 years after : a history of the class of year '39 OAC, and the Scottish farmer album, are included. Posters are for the Royal Winter Fair (1974-1976, 1978, 1983-1984, 1987, 1989), the C.N.E., the Junior Farmers' Association of Ontario 50th anniversary (1994), and others. Some county road maps are also included, as well as Watson’s OAC sweater and band jacket.

Watson, Charles Hoyt
CA F167 · Fonds · 1953-1954

Collection contains "High White Leghorn pen, 3514 eggs, 3649 points, Rhode Island test, Foreman Poultry Farm" and a Ful-o-pep national egg laying contest trophy.

John Bullock collection
CA F169 · Fonds

The John Bullock collection contains two manuscripts on animal physiology written between 1855 and 1860.

J.C. Hersey collection
CA F175 · Fonds · 1949-2008

The collection contains memorabilia, newspaper clippings, photographs, correspondence, invitations, and programs relating to Laundry and Linen Services at the University of Guelph, as well as the Ontario Agricultural College and the University of Guelph more generally. Contents include:

Box 1
File 1. J.C. Hersey Building dedication speech; correspondence with various University presidents and administration, government officials, and Guelph mayor.
File 2. Programs and invitations for several University events, convocations, receptions, building openings and namings.
File 3. "News Bulletin" articles and newspaper clippings on J.C. Hersey (including obituary), the University and various events; photo of J.C. Hersey, Gryphons football programs (with photos of Hersey), Drama Dept. house programs "Masque", campus personalities photos.
File 4. University of Guelph laundry manual, Apr. 1, 1977.
File 5. Articles on Joe Hersey and Laundry Services in O.A.C. Review (Nov. 1949), "News Bulletin" articles on the Laundry Dept., Laundry and Dry Cleaning Journal (June 1958), and CAILM quarterly (1982).
File 6. Certificates and recognitions awarded to J. C. Hersey.
File 7. Group photograph (b&w) of staff? in uniform in front of Creelman Hall (n.d.), col. photograph of exterior of Linen and Laundry Services Building (n.d.), article on J.C. Hersey Building, autographed copy of "The Boarding House" by John Eccles to "Joe".

Box 2
Commemorative plaques and medals awarded to J. Hersey, Canada and OAC centennial coins, UG pin, and a b&w panoramic group photo of Ontario Educational Association annual meeting, March 1921.

Oversized (RE6 UOG A007)
A framed b&w pencil drawing signed by Barth of the J.C. Hersey Building presented to J.C. Hersey, May 29, 1980, with a citation signed by President D.F. Forster on the back.

Hersey, Joseph C.
Alexander M. Ross collection
CA F176 · Fonds · 1974-2000

The collection contains research inquiries, historical articles, corrections, notes, and correspondence created or received by Alexander M. Ross related to both editions of his book, "The College on the Hill," published in 1974 and 1999. Contents include:

File 1. Sales, agreements, royalties, reviews concerning the 1st ed.; A.M. Ross scholarship, 1973-1992.
File 2. Correspondence and research inquiries related to the 1st ed., 1974-1997.
File 3. Miscellaneous articles, research correspondence on O.A.C. history, M.A.C. history, etc., 1974-1992, some undated.
File 4. Corrections, copyright, speech, etc. related to the 2nd ed., 1997-1999.
File 5. Correspondence between Prof. Alex Ross and T. Crowley related to the 2nd ed., 1997-2000.

Ross, Alexander Murdock
CA F180 · Fonds · 1881-1968

The collection contains various meteorological registers from the Ontario Agricultural College - including Guelph Weekly Weather Summaries, Guelph Bench Mark Station Meteorological Summaries, Elora Research Station Meteorological Summaries - covering the period from 1881 to 1968.