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Archival description
CA F1-39-2 · File · 1898-1935
Part of Ontario Agricultural College fonds

Bound volumes for 1898-1916 and 1919-1932, loose issues for 1933, 1934, 1935, 1955-1959, 1963. Duplicates on the duplicate shelf include bound volume for 1904-1912, loose issues for 1919, 1925, 1927-1934, 1959 (some issues are multiple copies). 1898, 1899, 1900, 1903 and 1904 are announcements for the Dairy School short courses and there is one 1903 calendar for the Short Course in Live Stock and Grain Judging. M/filmed by Duncan McLaren, Sept. 1995. (Some of the earlier issues are poor quality on the m/film.)

CA F1-39-4 · File · 1909-1955
Part of Ontario Agricultural College fonds

Established in 1909 by Professor S.B. McCready as the Schools' Division of the Experimental Union. File 1 also includes handwritten notebook belonging to Maude Robertson, 1918, with notes on botany, trees, field husbandry, entomology, soils, botany-weeds, livestock, floriculture, poultry, horticulture, school gardening and methods

CA F1-39-5 · File · 1918-1964
Part of Ontario Agricultural College fonds

Also includes photographs of 1938-1939 winter short course group and Farm Mechanics and Livestock groups; photographic copies of addresses by the classes to the Minister of Agriculture, p.M. Dewan, at the annual banquets; attendance, marks, class lists, financial statements, course assessments, brochures, railroad round trip identification convention certificate for Jan.-May 1939 short courses, etc.

CA F1-39-8 · File · 1909
Part of Ontario Agricultural College fonds

Handwritten and mimeographed. Includes spring term general information, programs and course outlines, and class lists; course notes for nature study, chemistry, field husbandry, bacteriology, meterology, entomology, soil physics, floriculture, dairying, animal husbandry; 2 b&w photographs of the class outside in front of Massey Hall Library and inside during class with an instructor

CA F1-39-9 · File · 1946-1952
Part of Ontario Agricultural College fonds

Handwritten and mimeographed. Includes Summer School general information, programs, and personnel; course notes for soil science, septic tanks, rural electrification, poultry nutrition, motor mechanics, horticulture, and foods; Fergus High School project inspections in agricultural science, lists of students, statement of awards, newspaper article, home projects, timetables, courses of study in agriculture, etc.