Fonds includes journals, scrapbooks, account books, financial records, mortgages, legal documents, and correspondence related to the David Allan and Nathaniel Higinbotham families. Materials related to other Guelph-area individuals, including David Kennedy, are also included.
Allan, DavidThe Dan H. Laurence Collection was compiled by George Bernard Shaw (GBS) bibliographer and scholar, Dan H. Laurence. The collection includes material gathered over 35 years while researching and writing on Shaw - which includes a two-volume bibliography. Materials in this collection consist of published works by and about Shaw including audio-visual items, cassette audiotapes of various radio and television interviews with Shavians, correspondence, portraits, production photos, costume drawings, stereotyped postcards, Shaw programs, Shaw reviews and articles, reviews and criticisms, Shaw ephemera, as well as 90th birthday, centenary, and obituary material relating to Shaw.
Laurence, Dan H.First impressions on a visit to the Riviera in February and March 1897 - letters from Alexander Moir (Glasgow?), Scotland to his brother John Moir of Oregon.
A collection of handwritten and printed original musical scores documenting the career of composer Marek Norman, including material related to the following productions:
· Serendipity, Serenade and Seraphim 1980
· Yesterday 1984
· The Great Adventure 1992
· Dracula A Chamber Musical 1998
· Emily 1999
· Larry’s Party 2004
· Wanderlust 2012
· The World is Our Stage 2016
· A Day Like No Other 2016
· Suite Wanderlust 2017
· Bird Feeder 2017
· Song Cycle - The Light That Shines 2018
· Mystique 2018
· Gestures 2019
· Ballycroy - a play with music 2021
Contents include architectural drawings, project files, photographs, administrative records, and promotional material.
The Leonard Conolly collection contains materials collected and created by Leonard Conolly relating to Canadian and international theatre, including house programs, posters, costume sketches, scripts, and correspondence. Materials related to Bernard Shaw and The Bernard Shaw Society are also included.
Conolly, LeonardThe Canadian Potato Machinery Company collection includes advertising flyers for O.K. Canadian two-row sprayer and O.K. mammoth field sprayer; Ontario licenses, 1908-1909; transfer of patent rights for potato diggers and planters, cattle stanchions, and sprayers from Amos Rush and Otto Knoerzer, 1905-1914, 1921; correspondence, by-laws, receipts, 1909-1924; corporation information and tax statements, 1960-1966; and a book of shares, 1909-1954, 1960.
Canadian Potato Machinery Company LtdThe fonds contains agricultural history articles, research material, typescripts and manuscripts, and notes created by H.C. Mason. Articles and a circular relating to Patrick Bell and the reaping machine are included, as well as various articles including “The Implements of Harvest”, “All Around the Farm”, “Five Old Farmers”, and “The Oldest Art”. A copy of T.H. Mason’s “My First 77 Years” is also included.
Mason, Harold Campbell