Many slides appear to have been ordered from the Central Scientific Company, Chicago, Ill.
Also includes notes concerning cereal plant breeding, planting and spraying information; two postcards written to C.A. Byers from Don are in the 1953 journal. Journal for 1960, kept by L.J. David, graduate student, related to Guelph and Brampton experiment plots. Larger journals (1942, 1948-1949) detail daily activities and jobs of various staff members in the Dept. Ledgers list supplies and expenses, wages for 1958-1965
Second copy (1945) located in Government Documents, call no.: CA2ON AF 45M11. Also includes 1946 programme for Ontario Boys' & Girls' Inter-club competitions held at O.A.C. which contains statistics on clubs organized in 1946 and lists of agricultural representatives and assistant agricultural representatives in Ontario; mimeographed articles "Know Your Weed Seeds" and "Seed Cleaning"; fifth annual Province of Ontario Potato Field Day souvenir programme, 1955
Large unboxed ledger contains various experiments of co-operative experimenters arranged alphabetically by surname, 1886-1941