Oversize. 10 pictures including 2 in History Department (XM6 MS A002-XM6 MS A003 located in History Department); Photocopies of Prime Ministers of Canada from "Prime Ministers of Canada, 1867-1994", book located in Doc. Centre CA1 AK 94P65. Photocopies used for a Canada Day Display, July-Aug. 1996.
Collection contains sheet music relating chiefly to the war years in Canada. Some pieces of music are stamped "O.A. College Soldiers Memorial Fund."; "Massey March" was published as a supplement and presented with Massey's Illustrated, vol. 6, no. 2 [1887]. It was dedicated to H.A. Massey, president of the Mssey Manufacturing Co., and has a picture of a man riding a horse-drawn hay mower on the front page.
Proposed postage stamp for a Canadian Republic apparently authorized by L. Riel, 1869, juror summons for Riel treason trial, 1885, and related materials. The stamp is known as the "Riel Essay" and the collection includes correspondence and articles related to its history. Summons is addressed to juror Thomas Rogers - the Queen vs. Louis Riel - to appear at the Court room in the Town of Regina, N.W.T., on Monday, the twentieth of July A.D. 1885. Summons is inscribed "Presented July 8th 1893 to Capt. J.G. Spain at Port Dover by Thos. Rogers" so it was apparently an item in Captain Spain's museum which was donated to Ontario Agricultural College in 1910 - see also RE1 OAC A0084. Negative of stamp located in negative file.
Correspondence, drafts of articles and other materials relating to the publication of the Encyclopedia of Post-Colonial Literatures in English / edited by Eugene Benson and Leonard Conolly.
Conolly, LeonardPosters and cards advertising Merchants Steamship Line, 1873-1876.
Collection contains memoirs of Canadian Veterinarian Dr. I.S.A. Hadwen, authority on reindeer, parasites and diseases of animals. Typescript - Original and Carbon Copy, 290 Leaves including 8 Photographs (6 duplicates).
Collection contains "Days of John Wood" / by William A. Wood. Negatives, typescript, production material, galleys, cover artwork.
Journals of R. Neilson, Canadian industrialist and Director of Goldie Mills concerning world tour overland through Russia and Siberia, Oct.1910 - Sept.1911 and later commentary on World War I from Montreal, 1912-1922. Includes 2 hardcover lined books all in bold, legible hand. Brother of W.A. Neilson of Smith College - photocopies of relevant data from M.F. Thorp's "Neilson of Smith".
The collection contains scripts, publicity materials, photographs, and administrative files of the Outaouais Popular Theatre.
Outaouais Popular Theatre