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Archival description
CA F206 · Fonds · 1797-1951

The Burton Noble Gates collection contains correspondence, newspaper clippings, photographs, dry plates, pamphlets, journals, letters, file cards, price lists, honey labels, reprints, posters, artifacts, reports collected by Prof. Gates relating to Apiculture. This collection is chiefly pre-1930 and includes material from the U.S.A., Canada, Europe, New Zealand, Russia, China, Japan, South America, and the Caribbean.

Gates, Burton Noble
CA F118 · Fonds · ca. 1954-1990

The collection includes a typescript of “The Bruces and Their Name" as well as a genealogical sheet with references compiled by Florence Partridge and photocopies of a portrait and newspaper articles on Alexander D. Bruce, president of Vapor Heating Corporation.

Partridge, Florence
CA F403 · Fonds · 1886-1982

Title taken from contents of the collection. The collection consists of correspondence, articles, notes, photographs related to the Brownsville Factory in Oxford County and history of the powdered milk industry in Ontario

CA F276 · Fonds · ca.1910, n.d.

The collection contains catalogues and bulletins from the Brown Boggs Foundry and Machine Company of Hamilton, Ontario.

Brown Boggs Foundry and Machine Company
Brough Family fonds
CA F665 · Fonds · 1834-1864

A collection of Brough family letters from Berwickshire, Scotland to Otonabee Township, Peterborough County, Ontairio. Transcriptions of letters, list of farms, maps, a family tree, and other genealogical information, is also included.
The original letters include:
• Letter from Jas. Brough dated Nenthorn, 4 April 1834 to his son James in Otonabee Upper Canada regarding sending money and includes update of friends in Scotland.
• Letter from Jas. Brough dated Nenthorn, 7 April 1834 to son James regarding money sent to purchase a cow and a request for a detailed updated on every facet of life in Canada.
• Letter from Margaret Brough undated to Jeany sending regards.
• Letter from John Broughdated Caikmuir, 30 April 1835 to brother James informing him of death of their father and requesting updated on life in Canada.
• Letter from John Brough dated Nenthorn, 22 May 1838 to brother James regarding the receipt of a letter confirming the arrival of £10, Robert contracting measles, and the letter concludes with a religious tract about sin.
• Letter from Margaret Brough dated Nenthorn, May 1839 to Jeany regarding a box of clothes sent along with the letter.
• Letter from John Brough dated Nenthorn, 24 May 1840 to James mentioning that he is glad James received the box of goods (from previous letter), regrets that James is ill and ends with religious thoughts about healing through God.
• Letter from John Brough dated Nenthorn, 24 May 1841 to Cousin James Brough regarding financial assistance, James Robison's past visit to see James, encouraging James to return to Scotland.
• Letter from Margaret Brough dated Nenthorn, 24 May 1841 to Jeaney sending regards and hoping the farming season goes well and if not then extends an offer to return to Scotland.
• Letter from James Nesbett dated 6 September 1841 to Dear Neace [sic] sending condolences for her fathers death, informing Dear Neace [sic] (ed - Niece) of her marriage (rest of letter is missing).
• Letter from Maddalina Brough undated to Jeany trying to encourage them to return to Scotland.
• Letter from James Nesbett circa September 1841 to Dear Neics [sic] (ed - Nieces) updating family matters.
• Letter from Margaret Brough dated Nenthorn, 7 May 1842 to Jenny about a parcel of clothes that was sent, and an update about friends.
• Letter from John Brough dated Nenthorn, 8 March 1843 to Dear Cousins expressing concern of neglect for educational and spiritual activity in Canada.
• Letter from John Brough dated Wooden Mill, 31 May 1847 to Mr. Dear regarding living near Kelso, not having a farm, the Corn Laws and commodity prices. Attached is a letter from M. Brough about family updates.
• Letter from Maddalina Brough dated Wooden Mills, 5 April 1849 to her sister about a visit from William Robison, hard times at Nenthorn and surprise at lack of minister in Canada.
• Letter from Allison Eason dated Edinburgh, 25 June 1855 to her sister Jane Brough (wife of James) informing Jane of the death of her (Allison) daughter.
• Letter from M.L. Brough dated Newsmailholm, 11 November 1861 to Dear Friends regarding John's improved health, death of friend Mary Jaffray, an update on William Brough and his family.
• Letter from M.L. Brough dated Newsmailholm, 15 August 1862 to Alexander and Jane containing family updates and tells of difficult farming season.
• Letter from M.L. Brough (date & recipient unknown as 1st page is missing) about reading in the newspapers of religious revival in America, includes typical family update.
• Letter from Aunt ? dated Newsmailholm, 8 June 1864 about friends named Butler coming to America, the great hope of seeing each other again and the doubt that plans to visit Canada in two years will happen.

CA F660 · Fonds · Dec. 1909

Forms and circulars devised by the Departmental Committee of the Board of Trade on Labour Exchanges / Norman Lamont, Chairman. Affixed into a large bound book, although items 59-71 are loose in back of book, unordered.

Brink-Whitelaw collection
CA F70 · Fonds · 1828-2007

The Brink-Whitelaw Collection contains legal documents, correspondence, genealogical materials, memorabilia, and photographs related to the Brink, Whitelaw, Cuthbert, and Gunn families originally from Oxford County, Ontario. Papers related to the Whitelaw Machinery Company Limited of Woodstock is also included, as well as photographs and documents related to R. Alex Brink’s time at the Ontario Agricultural College.

Brink-Whitelaw Family
Blyth Festival Theatre fonds
CA F464 · Fonds · 1975-

Fonds contains programs, performance files, production photos, reviews, technical drawings, promotional materials, workshop scripts, and administrative files, 1975 to the present. Series established include House programs, Souvenir programs, Performance files, Production photos, Company portraits, Reviews and articles, Audio-visuals, Promotional materials, Provincial grants, Federal grants, Financial, Municipal grants, New play development, Youth workshop scripts, Study guides, Special attractions, Administration, Resumes.

Blyth Festival Theatre
CA F408 · Fonds · 1880-1991

The fonds consists of administrative records, company charter and by-laws, meeting minute books, receipt and expenditure registers, financial accounts, shareholders lists and certificates, brochures, newspaper clippings, veterinarian accounts, milk records, and correspondence related to the Blanshard and Nissouri Cheese and Butter Company.

Blanshard and Nissouri Cheese and Butter Company