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Archival description
CA F571-18-4 · File · 1998
Part of Shaw Festival fonds

Box 1, File 1: s.m. prompt script (ist half). File 2: s.m. prompt script (2nd. half). File 3: Gershwin gala music, rehearsal schedule, instrument settings, props sheet, running order. File 4: a.s.m. prompt script (1st half). File 5: a.s.m.prompt script (2nd. half). Box 2 , Files 6 and 7: Scripts (clean). File 8: Script rewrites. File 9: musical numbers. File 10: musical numbers (extra copies). File 12:understudy list, memos, checklist, contact sheets, lighting memos and cue sheets, misc. memos, props preset, props memos, running notes. Box 3: File 13: asm running sheet, props running sheet, deck running sheet, onstage running sheet, wardrobe running sheet, sign-in sheet, text & music. File 14: Royal George show report. File 15: house management show report. File 16: Text- reworked, June 1996 by Norm Foster. File 17: Text-reworked, September 1997 by Norm Foster. File 18: Script copy Junuary, 1998. File 19: Script copy, March 1998. Box 4 A: Foggy vocal sketches, unused part of score (s.m. 1 logan's copy), original + cut & pastes. Box 4 B & C: complete music score. File 4 C: