The Theatre On the Move fonds consists of performance files, audio and video cassettes, administrative records, publicity material, study guides, financial records, scrapbooks, posters, reviews and scripts, and other material.
Theatre On The MoveThe Theatre Ontario collection contains house programs, press releases, news clippings, and theatre magazines related to Ontario Theatres.
Theatre OntarioFonds consists of files regarding the administration operation and creation of productions at Theatre Passe Muraille. Material includes production photos, reviews and articles, publicity, press releases, reading scripts, audio-visuals, performance files, posters, promotional material, set models, technical drawings, designs, house programs.
Theatre Passe MurailleThe Theatre Plus fonds contains house programs, performance files, press releases, promotional materials, video recordings, administrative files, production photographs (including contact sheets, negatives and slides, and company portraits), posters, costume design, technical drawings, and other material.
Theatre PlusThe Theatre Smith-Gilmour fonds contains scripts, house programs, posters, press releases, reviews, performance files, photographs, administrative files, and other material.
Theatre Smith-GilmourThe Theatre Terra Nova fonds contains audio-visual materials, house programs, and performance files, which include scripts, production notes, and other material.
Theatre Terra NovaGeneral information, newsletters, and brochures concerning the Third Age Learning lecture series, Guelph, Ont. Also includes minutes, financial statements, newspaper clippings, correspondence, lists of members, etc.; 2 copies of a booklet of historical photographs of Fergus from the Miller Collection c1895 and the Stevens Collection c1865, courtesy of the Public Archives, Toronto.
The papers contain a photocopied account book of Thomas Arkell (ca.1802-1875), containing pedigrees of Durham or Short Horned cattle bought and bred by Arkell on his Little Farnham Farm in Puslinch Township, Wellington County.
Arkell, ThomasTitle taken from contents of the collection. Includes marriage certificate (1983), land grant (1872) and abstract of title (1883), mortgages, promissory note (1887), various receipts, contract for mail delivery (1919), high school entrance exam report for David Fortune (1893), offer to sell Kenneth McDonald farm to Thomas Fortune (1882), 2 cash books (1884-1908), etc.